Metro Trains Melbourne (Metro) commenced its metropolitan rail franchise on 30 November 2009, in late 2017, the company was awarded a new franchise to run the railway until 2024. Metro operates 226 six-carriage trains across 998 kilometres of track, transporting 450,000 customers each day In Melbourne.
Metro, or Metro Trains Melbourne, is a consortium of rail and construction businesses, all of which have unrivalled credentials. The Metro team draws on the strengths and experience of three leading rail industry organisations: MTR Corporation, John Holland Group and UGL Rail.
Since its inception, Metro has advanced all key metrics of the railway including punctuality, passenger satisfaction, fleet reliability, asset management, safety, and security. All of this whilst managing significant growth in patronage, the embedment of new systems and technology, the introduction of more services, higher train frequencies and major disruption due to the unprecedented construction activity on the rail network under the guise of Metro.